sobota 9. dubna 2016


Veganska polevka z cervene cocky 

100 % vegan
( scroll down for english)

Nikdy jsem nebyla velkym fanouskem cockove polevky, ale tenhle recept, ktery sem si samozrejme upravila podle sveho, to rozhodne zmenil. Stale tomu rikam polevka, ale je pravda, ze v mem pripade to ma spise hustsi kasovitou strukturu. Pokud mate radeji ridke polevky, staci pridat 2 hrnky zeleninoveho vyvaru :)

1 hrnek cervene cocky
5 rajcat, nakrajenych
1 cibule, nasekana nadrobno
2 strouzky cesneku, nasekane na drobno
6 hrnku zeleninoveho vyvaru
1 cervena paprika, nakrajena na male kousky
3 lzice olivoveho oleje
1 lzicka mleteho cerneho pepre
1 lzicka mlete bazalky
1 lzicka chilli koreni
1 lzicka morske soli
stava z 1/2 citronu

+nastrouhany vegansky syr (nemusi byt)

1) Ve velkem hrnci rozehrejeme olivovy olej.

2) Pridame nasekanou cibuli a varime cca 3 minuty.

3) Pridame rajcata, cesnek a bazalku a varime dalsich par minut (3-5), prubezne michame.

4) Pridame cocku, vyvar, nakrajenou papriku, sul,pepr a chilli.

5) Privedeme k varu. Jakmile zacne polevka vrit, stahneme teplotu jen na mirne bublani a takto varime po 30 minut.

6) Pridame stavu z pulky citronu, poradne promichame a varime dalsich 5 minut.

7) Pokud je potreba, dosolime a dopeprime a polevka je pripravena k servirovani. Pokud mate radi chut rozpoustejiciho se syru, na vrch nastrouhejte vegansky syr.

Jelikoz nemam k dispozici ceskou klavesnici a stale se mi ji nedari naisntalovat, omlouvam se ze pisu bez diaktritiky. Ale snad to neni tak tezke precist. Preji dobrou chut :)

Vegan Red Lentils Soup

I was never fan of lentils soup but this one changed my mind. I found the recipe on the internet and I changed it, as I always do. Even though I call it soup, it is kind of solid structure. If you like more thin soup, just add 2 more cups of vegetable stock. :)

Ingredients :
1 cup red lentils
5 tomatoes, chopped
1 onion, minced
2 garlic gloves, minced
6 cups vegetable stock
1 red pepper, chopped
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
juice from 1/2 lemon

+ grated vegan cheese (optional)

1) Warm the olive oil in a large pot.

2) Once the oil is shimmering, add the chopped onion and cook for 3 minutes.

3) Add the garlic, basil and tomatoes and cook for a few more minutes (3-5), stirring often.

4) Pour lentils, stock, pepper, salt, ground black pepper and chili powder.

5) Raise the heat and bring it to a boil.Once you reached boiling, reduce the heat to gentle shimmer and cook for 30 minutes.

6) Add lemon juice, stir it well and cook for 5 more minutes.

7) If necessary, add more salt and pepper and serve in small bowls. If you like the taste of melting cheese like I do, add grated vegan cheese and serve immediately.

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